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MASAI MARA - Looking for the Big Five
MASAI MARA - Looking for the Big Five

DIRECTED BY : Yannick Haennel

The Swahili word “safari” means “journey” and the Masai Mara is where our safari begins. Hidden in these vast grassy plains where thousands of herbivores graze are the animals that best represent African safaris: the giants of the savannah, the famous “Big Five”. But spotting them is never a sure thing, it’s impossible to make a date with wild animals… Every safari is a test of patience and perseverance!

With Perrine Crosmary as our guide, we’ll voyage through arid plains, acacia forests, swamps and rivers in search of Africa’s biggest animals, as she shares tracker’s tips to make our adventure a success.

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CHILE - The last puma sanctuary
CHILE - The last puma sanctuary

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TSAVO - The land of the red elephants
TSAVO - The land of the red elephants

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SOUTH LUANGWA - Hippo Fight Club
SOUTH LUANGWA - Hippo Fight Club


Walking safaris were invented in South Luangwa Park. Like the first explorers, we’ll walk among lions, giraffes and lots of hippopotamuses! At the height of the dry season when water no longer reaches certain parts of the Luangwa River, herds of these mega-herbivores immerse themselves in streams where water remains. And when at sunrise these irascible creatures return to reclaim their spot in the muddy puddles, some very impressive battles take place.

On foot or by car, we’ll follow Perrine Crosmary as she tracks these large gatherings to try to catch the spectacle of their agitated reunions!

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SERENGETI - The great migration
SERENGETI - The great migration

DIRECTED BY : Yannick Haennel

Every year in Tanzania, the great Serengeti plains are host to the highest concentration of herbivores in the world.
1 million wildebeests, 300,000 gazelles, 250,000 zebras, and many other animals gather here just after the rainy season to take advantage of the immense green feast and give birth to their young.
Perrine Crosmary leads us along the path of this endless wave of hooves and horns in constant movement, in an effort to witness the first steps of babies and maybe even a live birth!

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